Teach pet owners about the dangers of Heatstroke

Help pet owners beware of the signs of heatstroke in pets with this heatstroke pack. To save you even more time, our email banner comes with pre-written email copy, and our social posts come with captions!

Have a Vetstoria QR code? Some template comes with a QR code version to add your own online booking link!

Download our ready-to-use social assets:

Or brand the content for your clinic in 3 easy steps

Choose the pack you want, and open the clickable template links

Export the design as it is, or add your logo, brand colors, and update the text

Download the design for your digital channels, or print physical copies!

What information is included in the Pet Heatstroke Awareness pack?

Panting – Pets can’t sweat as well as humans, so they cool down by panting.

Salivating (drooling) – Pets cool down by evaporating saliva. When they can’t cool down fast enough, this results in drooling.

Tiredness and lethargy – They won’t have energy, and will move slowly and sluggishly.

Breathing Distress – While trying to cool down by panting, your pet might have trouble breathing.

Dizziness and Confusion – Heatstroke can cause a variety of neurological issues in pets. They may seem confused, drunk, or disoriented.

Difficulty walking and tremors – Your pet might have trouble standing, be staggering or be unable to walk straight.

Collapsing or fainting – The heat is causing damage to your pet’s internal organs. Seek immediate assistance.

Mild heatstroke – If your pet is starting to overheat and starts panting excessively, get them immediately out of the sun and heat, preferably indoors.

Moderate heatstroke – If your pet is drooling, lethargic, and seems tired from the heat, get them immediately inside, wet their fur with cold water, and call your veterinarian for advice.

Severe heatstroke – If your pet is having trouble breathing, seems dizzy or confused, or is having difficulty walking and tremors, you need to immediately cool them down! Give them a cold (but never icy) bath, and call an emergency veterinarian. Be prepared to take your pet to the emergency room.

Deadly heatstroke – If your pet has fainted or collapsed from the heat, immediately take them to an emergency veterinary clinic, calling on the way so that they know you’re coming.

Even if your pet seems to have recovered, remember that heatstroke can cause internal damage you can’t see. Call your veterinarian for advice.

Heatstroke in pets causes internal damage, which you might not be able to see or identify. Even if your pet seems like they have recovered, call your veterinarian for advice.

You can prevent your pet from getting heatstroke by keeping their body temperature in the safe range. This means…

  • No exercise under the sun on very warm days,
  • Never shaving your pet down to the skin,
  • Keeping your pet hydrated at all times.

Take a look at our Extreme Heat pack for more information on how to avoid heatstroke in pets.

Our Content Pack Calendar has all the marketing assets you need for the rest of the year neatly mapped onto a calendar. It’s been specially designed to help you have the most engaging, productive, and profitable quarter yet for your veterinary clinic. Download 2023 Q4 calendar here!

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Add trackable booking links and QR codes

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Growth illustration

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Building Marketing Campaigns illustration

Build online booking campaigns

Create promotional booking campaigns that follow set scheduling rules based on preferred dates, the availability of vets, and more!

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Add booking links to digital channels

Use trackable booking links in emails, SMS, social profiles, and online ads to promote your campaigns and easily measure the results.

Growth illustration

Use analytics to optimize results

See how many appointments and new clients are generated from each campaign, and learn which channels are most effective.