Online Payments

Reduce no shows with online payments

Vetstoria’s online payments can automatically collect payments from pet owners during the appointment booking process. This reduces no shows, saves time for your team and provides a more seamless experience for your clients.

Payments with Vetstoria

Over 6000 practices globally use Vetstoria to reduce calls and provide great pet owner experiences

IVC Evidensia
Village Vet - Logo
Linnaeus Logo
Wylie Veterinary centre

Over 5000 practices trust Vetstoria to provide great booking experiences for their customers

Make it easy for pet owners to make payments

Accept debit or credit card payments or pre-authorizations during the appointment booking process to reduce no-shows, eliminate bad debts, and save time.


Save admin time

Automate the processing of payments based on rules you set and save huge amounts of time and effort.

conversion analytics

Eliminate no shows

Reduce the chance of no-shows by taking deposits or full payment from specific client types during the appointment booking process.


Offer convenience

Provide a seamless online booking experience with the convenience of online payments to pet owners who prefer cashless transactions.

Smarter payments,happier staff and clients

Smarter payments, happier staff and clients

Easy to set up payments

Easy to Setup Payments

Vetstoria payments are powered by Stripe, a global leader in payment processing. Simply connect Vetstoria to an existing Stripe account with just a couple of clicks or set up your Stripe account within minutes to enable payment.

Flexible payment types

Flexible Payments

Based on the appointment type, your practice can require full payment or pre-authorized deposits. You can also set up refund policy messages or amendment policies on the payment page if it is a full payment option or a pre-authorization payment.

Smart payment rules

Smart Payments

Whether a vaccination, consultation, or surgery, new or existing client, you can set up payment preferences based on the appointment type and the pet owner type within Vetstoria.

Transaction reports

Transaction Report

Quickly access and export a list of the transactions that have taken place through Vetstoria for payment reconciliation.

Discounts and payment options for digital marketing campaigns

Set Up Discounts

If you are using our digital marketing campaign capabilities, you can also choose how you want to process payments by selecting the method within the specific campaign.

  • Easy to set up
  • Low processing fees
  • No additional monthly payments!