Vetstoria & IVC Evidensia NL
A world where your clients can book appointments anytime, anywhere.
Real-time online booking, synced with over 30 PMS, including Merlin and Provet Cloud to give you control and visibility over your clinics’ schedules.
Click on the video and see how it works.
We know adopting new tech can be stressful
Some folks are worried about losing control of their schedule, pet owners booking wrong appointments, or missing appointments that should be emergencies.
We urge you to watch this quick video from our co-founder and veterinary surgeon Julien Poublon – as he will break down and address some of these concerns, showing how actually, online booking will be your teams’ new best friend!
Getting started is easy
You are in control of your journey to using Vetstoria. We offer two options to get started: fast track (a form + 1 call) or standard (a form + 2 calls).
Our most successful clinics usually appoint a Vetstoria champion, someone who will be responsible for coordinating with our onboarding teams.
We sync with your PMS in real-time.
This means that when a customer is booking an appointment with you, you control the availability they can see – Vetstoria will check this with your PMS twice per booking to ensure there are no conflicts in scheduling.
Your team will no longer need to handle non-urgent calls, perform manual appointment reminders or untangle a mess of double booked appointments.
Extreme customisation
With Vetstoria you can customise exactly who can book an appointment, when, and with which Vet.
Some examples are:
choosing how many, and when, new customers can book appointments,
hold spaces for emergency appointments, but release the slots if needed
triage potential emergency appointments, based on language used during booking,
account for vets with different skills, needs, expectations and working hours, or offer nurse appointments.
There are dozens of customisation options – so you can relax knowing your customers can only book the appointments you want them to.
Free marketing resources for your clinics
If you’re looking to announce that you offer online booking, launch promotional campaigns or try to educate your pet owners, we can help.
Our team is constantly creating editable templates that you can download and either edit to fit your branding, or share immediately.
Our world class customer support team.
Meet your Vetstoria team
They’ll get you set up super quickly, and talk you through our tried and tested ways of easily onboarding clinics across large corporates.
If you’re someone who enjoys data, check out these stats about online booking…
of new client appointments are made online
of online appointments are made outside of office hours
of online appointments are made via a mobile device
of pet owners are satisfied with appointments they book online
What others say about Vetstoria
"The set-up questionnaire was self explanatory and the tutorial videos covered any necessary information. I also found the onboarding call very informative and Antoinette was knowledgeable and helpful in answering any questions I had, mainly in regards to a client booking multiple appointments as this is not something I had used before. I've used Vetstoria in several clinics I've worked in and always found it very beneficial so anything to encourage others to get on board!"
Simon Jordan, Practice Manager at Trinity Vet Centre
Want to learn more?
If you’d like to chat a bit more about Vetstoria, book a consultation with your customer success manager!